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Find annual returns, elections, disclosure statements and financial reports logged by this organisation.
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Documents | Type | Date | Entity | Print & MNC | Comments | Code |
FR2020/346 | Financial reports | 2020 | ASMOF - Northern Territory Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 132NNT | |
ORP2020/363 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | ASMOF - Queensland Branch | 132NQLD | ||
ORP2020/364 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | ASMOF - Western Australia Branch | 132NWA | ||
ORP2020/365 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | ASMOF - Victoria Branch | 132NVIC | ||
ORP2020/366 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | ASMOF - South Australia Branch | 132NSA | ||
ORP2020/367 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | ASMOF - New South Wales Branch | 132NNSW | ||
ORP2020/368 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | ASMOF - Central Office | 132N | ||
ORP2020/369 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | ASMOF - Australian Capital Territory Branch | 132NACT | ||
ORP2020/370 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | ASMOF - Tasmania Branch | 132NTAS | ||
ORP2020/411 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | ASMOF - Northern Territory Branch | 132NNT | ||
AR2019/70 | Annual returns | 2019 | -central office- | 132N | ||
E2019/169 | Elections | 2019 | ASMOF - Central Office | PR351487 [2019] ROCD 175 | casual vacancy election (South Australia) - recall election (Tasmania) | 132N |
E2019/181 | Elections | 2019 | ASMOF - New South Wales Branch | PR351502 [2019] ROCD 184 | Insufficient Nominations Election | 132NNSW |
E2019/206 | Elections | 2019 | ASMOF - Central Office | PR351538 [2020] ROCD 3 | Casual Vacancy Election | 132N |
E2019/44 | Elections | 2019 | ASMOF - Central Office | PR351347 [2019] ROCD 77 | Insufficient nominations and casual vacancy - Tasmania Branch, Queensland Branch, Northern Territory Branch | 132N |
E2019/97 | Elections | 2019 | ASMOF - Central Office | PR351404 [2019] ROCD 121 | casual vacancy election (Queensland) - recall election (ACT and NSW) | 132N |
FR2019/321 | Financial reports | 2019 | None | Financial year ending 31 December 2019 | 132NQLD | |
FR2019/322 | Financial reports | 2019 | Western Australia Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2019 | 132NWA | |
FR2019/323 | Financial reports | 2019 | Victoria Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2019 | 132NVIC | |
FR2019/324 | Financial reports | 2019 | South Australia Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2019 | 132NSA | |
FR2019/325 | Financial reports | 2019 | New South Wales Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2019 | 132NNSW | |
FR2019/326 | Financial reports | 2019 | -central office- | Financial year ending 31 December 2019 | 132N | |
FR2019/327 | Financial reports | 2019 | Australian Capital Territory Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2019 | 132NACT | |
FR2019/328 | Financial reports | 2019 | Tasmania Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2019 | 132NTAS | |
FR2019/368 | Financial reports | 2019 | Northern Territory Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2019 | 132NNT |