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Documents | Type | Date | Entity | Print & MNC | Comments | Code |
FR2021/78 | Financial reports | 2021 | CPSU - SPSF Group - Western Australian Branch | Financial year ending 30 June 2021 | 090V | |
FR2021/79 | Financial reports | 2021 | CPSU - SPSF Group - South Australian Branch | Financial year ending 30 June 2021 | 090VSAS | |
ORP2021/135 | Disclosure statement | 2021 | CPSU - PSU Group - CSIRO Section | 090VCSIR | ||
ORP2021/136 | Disclosure statement | 2021 | CPSU - National Office | 090V | ||
ORP2021/137 | Disclosure statement | 2021 | CPSU - SPSF Group - New South Wales Branch | 090VNSWS | ||
ORP2021/138 | Disclosure statement | 2021 | CPSU - PSU Group | 090VPSU | ||
ORP2021/273 | Disclosure statement | 2021 | CPSU - SPSF Group - Western Australian Prison Officers' Union Branch | 090VWAPS | ||
ORP2021/83 | Disclosure statement | 2021 | CPSU - SPSF Group - Victoria Branch | 090VVICS | ||
ORP2021/84 | Disclosure statement | 2021 | CPSU - SPSF Group - Tasmanian Branch | 090VTASS | ||
ORP2021/85 | Disclosure statement | 2021 | CPSU - SPSF Group | 090VSPSF | ||
ORP2021/86 | Disclosure statement | 2021 | CPSU - SPSF Group - Western Australian Branch | 090VWAS | ||
ORP2021/87 | Disclosure statement | 2021 | CPSU - SPSF Group - South Australian Branch | 090VSAS | ||
AR2020/24 | Annual returns | 2020 | CPSU - National Office | 090V | ||
E2020/117 | Elections | 2020 | CPSU - PSU Group | PR351723 [2020] ROCD138 | Scheduled Election | 090VPSU |
E2020/12 | Elections | 2020 | CPSU - SPSF Group - Victoria Branch | PR351553 [2020] ROCD 17 | Scheduled election | 090VSPSF |
E2020/14 | Elections | 2020 | CPSU - SPSF Group - South Australian Branch | PR351557 [2020] ROCD 20 | Scheduled Election | 090VSA |
E2020/24 | Elections | 2020 | CPSU - SPSF Group - Tasmanian Branch | PR351602 [2020] ROCD 48 | Scheduled Election | 090VTASS |
E2020/25 | Elections | 2020 | CPSU - SPSF Group | PR351612 {2020} ROCD 55 | Scheduled Election | 090VSPSF |
E2020/26 | Elections | 2020 | CPSU - SPSF Group - Western Australian Branch | PR351607 [2020] ROCD 51 | Scheduled Election | 090VWAS |
E2020/30 | Elections | 2020 | CPSU - SPSF Group - New South Wales Branch | PR351601 [2020] ROCD 47 | Scheduled Election | 090VNSWS |
E2020/39 | Elections | 2020 | CPSU - SPSF Group - Western Australian Prison Officers' Union Branch | 351655 & 2020 ROCD 88 | Scheduled election | 090VWAPS |
E2020/73 | Elections | 2020 | SPSF Group, Victorian Branch | PR352063 & PR351617 [2020] ROCD 60 | Scheduled election for Branch Representative to Federal Executive - amending decision issued | 090VVICS |
E2020/74 | Elections | 2020 | SPSF Group, South Australian Branch | PR351616 [2020] ROCD 59 | Scheduled Election - Amending decision issued | 090VSAS |
FR2020/127 | Financial reports | 2020 | CPSU - PSU Group - CSIRO Section | Financial year ending 30 June 2020 | 090VCSIR | |
FR2020/128 | Financial reports | 2020 | SPSF Group, New South Wales Branch | Financial year ending 30 June 2020 | 090VNSWS |