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Documents Type Date Entity Print & MNC Comments Code
ORP2021/239 Disclosure statement 2021 AEU - Tasmanian Branch 284VTAS
ORP2021/374 Disclosure statement 2021 AEU - Western Australian Branch 284VWA
ORP2021/375 Disclosure statement 2021 AEU - Queensland Branch 284VQLD
ORP2021/376 Disclosure statement 2021 AEU - Northern Territory Branch 284VNT
ORP2021/377 Disclosure statement 2021 AEU - New South Wales Teachers Federation Branch 284VNSW
ORP2021/378 Disclosure statement 2021 AEU - Central Office 284V
ORP2021/379 Disclosure statement 2021 AEU - ACT Branch 284VACT
ORP2021/380 Disclosure statement 2021 AEU - Victorian Branch 284VVIC
ORP2021/381 Disclosure statement 2021 AEU - South Australian Branch 284VSA
AR2020/65 Annual returns 2020 AEU - Central Office 284V
E2019/231 Elections 2020 -central office- PR352059 & PR351549 [2020] ROCD 13 Insufficient nominations - amending decision issued 284V
E2020/101 Elections 2020 AEU - New South Wales Teachers Federation Branch PR351669 [2020] ROCD 97 Scheduled Election 284VNSW
E2020/137 Elections 2020 AEU - South Australian Branch PR351704 [2020] ROCD 123 Casual vacancy 284VSA
E2020/143 Elections 2020 AEU - Western Australian Branch PR351757 {2020] ROCD 159 Scheduled Election 284VWA
E2020/144 Elections 2020 AEU - ACT Branch Print Id 351731 MNC 2020 ROCD 145 scheduled election 284VACT
E2020/161 Elections 2020 AEU - New South Wales Teachers Federation Branch Print ID 351718 MNC 2020 ROC 133 scheduled election - amending decision issued 284VNSW
E2020/162 Elections 2020 Victorian Branch Print id 351719 MNC 2020 ROCD 134 scheduled election 284VVIC
E2020/179 Elections 2020 AEU - Queensland Branch Print Id 351740 MNC 2020 ROCD 150 Casual Vacancy Election - amending decision issued 284VQLD
E2020/181 Elections 2020 AEU - New South Wales Teachers Federation Branch PR351760 & [2020] ROCD 161 Scheduled election for Branch Conference Delegates 284VNSW
E2020/185 Elections 2020 AEU - Central Office PR352060 & PR351773 [2020] ROCD 167 Increased entitlement of Branch Delegates - amending decision issued 284V
E2020/190 Elections 2020 AEU - Queensland Branch PR351778 [2020] ROCD 169 Scheduled Election - Decision 4 November 2020 284VQLD
E2020/191 Elections 2020 AEU - South Australian Branch PR 351794 MNC [2020] ROCD 178 Scheduled election 284VSA
E2020/196 Elections 2020 AEU - Victorian Branch PR 352105 [2020] ROCD 171 Delegates to Branch Conference - Amending decision (superseded by E2021/199) 284VVIC
E2020/208 Elections 2020 AEU - Western Australian Branch PR351795 & [2020] ROCD 179 Casual vacancy 284VWA
E2020/225 Elections 2020 AEU - New South Wales Teachers Federation Branch PR351840 [2021] ROCD 17 Exemption application under s 183(1) 284VNSW