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Find annual returns, elections, disclosure statements and financial reports logged by this organisation.
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Documents | Type | Date | Entity | Print & MNC | Comments | Code |
E2020/226 | Elections | 2020 | AEU - Central Office | PR351804 MNC 2020 ROCD 185 | Amending decision - casual vacancy election | 284V |
E2020/43 | Elections | 2020 | -central office- | PR351581 MNC [2020] ROCD 32 | Amending decision - superseded election | 284V |
E2020/46 | Elections | 2020 | AEU - Northern Territory Branch | Print Id 351613 MNC 2020 ROCD 56 - amending decision issued | Casual vacancy | 284VNT |
E2020/71 | Elections | 2020 | AEU - South Australian Branch | PR351618 [2020] ROCD 61 | Casual vacancies | 284VSA |
E2020/85 | Elections | 2020 | AEU - Tasmanian Branch | Print Id 351678 MNC 2020 ROCD 103 | Scheduled Election | 284VTAS |
E2020/86 | Elections | 2020 | AEU - Northern Territory Branch | Print Id 351652 MNC 2020 ROCD 85 | Scheduled Election | 284VNT |
E2020/91 | Elections | 2020 | AEU - South Australian Branch | PR351627 [2020] RODC 68 | Insufficient nominations | 284VSA |
FR2020/202 | Financial reports | 2020 | AEU - Tasmanian Branch | Financial year ending 30 June 2020 | 284VTAS | |
FR2020/323 | Financial reports | 2020 | AEU - Western Australian Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 284VWA | |
FR2020/324 | Financial reports | 2020 | AEU - Queensland Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 284VQLD | |
FR2020/325 | Financial reports | 2020 | AEU - Northern Territory Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 284VNT | |
FR2020/326 | Financial reports | 2020 | AEU - New South Wales Teachers Federation Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 284VNSW | |
FR2020/327 | Financial reports | 2020 | AEU - Central Office | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 284V | |
FR2020/328 | Financial reports | 2020 | AEU - ACT Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 284VACT | |
FR2020/329 | Financial reports | 2020 | AEU - Victorian Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 284VVIC | |
FR2020/330 | Financial reports | 2020 | AEU - South Australian Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 284VSA | |
ORP2020/240 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AEU - Tasmanian Branch | 284VTAS | ||
ORP2020/387 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AEU - Western Australian Branch | 284VWA | ||
ORP2020/388 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AEU - Queensland Branch | 284VQLD | ||
ORP2020/389 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AEU - Northern Territory Branch | 284VNT | ||
ORP2020/390 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AEU - New South Wales Teachers Federation Branch | 284VNSW | ||
ORP2020/391 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AEU - Central Office | 284V | ||
ORP2020/392 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AEU - ACT Branch | 284VACT | ||
ORP2020/393 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AEU - Victorian Branch | 284VVIC | ||
ORP2020/394 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AEU - South Australian Branch | 284VSA |