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Find annual returns, elections, disclosure statements and financial reports logged by this organisation.
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Documents | Type | Date | Entity | Print & MNC | Comments | Code |
E2020/13 | Elections | 2020 | AHA - Western Australian Branch | Amending Decision PR351558 [2020] ROCD 12 | Scheduled Election | 024NWA |
E2020/138 | Elections | 2020 | AHA - New South Wales Branch | PR351685 [2020] ROCD 109 | Casual Vacancy Election | 024NNSW |
E2020/142 | Elections | 2020 | -central office- | PR351919 [2020] ROCD 126 | Amending decision for scheduled election | 024N |
E2020/155 | Elections | 2020 | AHA - Central Office | PR351920 [2020] ROCD 128 | Amending decision to scheduled election | 024N |
E2020/194 | Elections | 2020 | Tasmanian Hospitality Association | PR351846 [2020] ROCD 165 | Scheduled election | 024NTAS |
E2020/197 | Elections | 2020 | AHA - South Australian Branch | PR351904 & PR351785 [2020] ROCD 172 | Scheduled election | 024NSA |
E2020/209 | Elections | 2020 | AHA - Western Australian Branch | PR352109 & [2020] ROCD 180 | Amending Decision - Election no longer required | 024NWA |
E2020/219 | Elections | 2020 | AHA - Northern Territory Branch | Print Id 351806 MNC [2020] 187 | Scheduled election | 024NNT |
E2020/34 | Elections | 2020 | None | PR351621 [2020] ROCD 64 | scheduled election | 024NQLD |
FR2020/177 | Financial reports | 2020 | AHA - Western Australian Branch | Financial year ending 30 June 2020 | 024NWA | |
FR2020/178 | Financial reports | 2020 | Victorian Branch | Financial year ending 30 June 2020 | 024NVIC | |
FR2020/179 | Financial reports | 2020 | AHA - Northern Territory Branch | Financial year ending 30 June 2020 | 024NNT | |
FR2020/180 | Financial reports | 2020 | AHA - Tasmanian Branch | Financial year ending 30 June 2020 | 024NTAS | |
FR2020/283 | Financial reports | 2020 | AHA - Queensland Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 024NQLD | |
FR2020/284 | Financial reports | 2020 | AHA - South Australian Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 024NSA | |
FR2020/285 | Financial reports | 2020 | AHA - New South Wales Branch | PR352004 | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 024NNSW |
FR2020/286 | Financial reports | 2020 | AHA - Central Office | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 024N | |
FR2020/287 | Financial reports | 2020 | AHA - Australian Capital Territory Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 024NACT | |
ORP2020/200 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AHA - Western Australian Branch | 024NWA | ||
ORP2020/201 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AHA - Victorian Branch | 024NVIC | ||
ORP2020/2020 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AHA - Northern Territory Branch | 024NNT | ||
ORP2020/203 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AHA - Tasmanian Branch | 024NTAS | ||
ORP2020/347 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AHA - Queensland Branch | 024NQLD | ||
ORP2020/348 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AHA - South Australian Branch | 024NSA | ||
ORP2020/349 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | AHA - New South Wales Branch | 024NNSW |