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Find annual returns, elections, disclosure statements and financial reports logged by this organisation.
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Documents | Type | Date | Entity | Print & MNC | Comments | Code |
FR2019/305 | Financial reports | 2019 | Queensland Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2019 | 024NQLD | |
FR2019/306 | Financial reports | 2019 | South Australia Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2019 | 024NSA | |
FR2019/307 | Financial reports | 2019 | AHA - New South Wales Branch | PR351664 | Financial year ending 31 December 2019 | 024NNSW |
FR2019/308 | Financial reports | 2019 | -central office- | Financial year ending 31 December 2019 | 024N | |
FR2019/309 | Financial reports | 2019 | Australian Capital Territory Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2019 | 024NACT | |
ORP2019/214 | Disclosure statement | 2019 | Western Australian Branch | Financial year ending 30 June 2019 | 024NWA | |
ORP2019/215 | Disclosure statement | 2019 | Victorian Branch | Financial year ending 30 June 2019 | 024NVIC | |
ORP2019/216 | Disclosure statement | 2019 | Northern Territory Branch | Financial year ending 30 June 2019 | 024NNT | |
ORP2019/217 | Disclosure statement | 2019 | Tasmanian Hospitality Association | Financial year ending 30 June 2019 | 024NTAS | |
ORP2019/386 | Disclosure statement | 2019 | Queensland Branch | 024NQLD | ||
ORP2019/387 | Disclosure statement | 2019 | South Australia Branch | 024NSA | ||
ORP2019/388 | Disclosure statement | 2019 | New South Wales Branch | 024NNSW | ||
ORP2019/389 | Disclosure statement | 2019 | -central office- | 024N | ||
ORP2019/390 | Disclosure statement | 2019 | Australian Capital Territory Branch | 024NACT | ||
AR2018/39 | Annual returns | 2018 | -central office- | 024N | ||
E2017/253 | Elections | 2018 | AHA - Victorian Branch | PR350984 [2018] ROCD 30 | scheduled election (National Board Delegates) | 024NVIC |
E2017/256 | Elections | 2018 | AHA - Australian Capital Territory Branch | PR350984 [2018] ROCD 20 | scheduled election (Branch offices) | 024NACT |
E2018/103 | Elections | 2018 | AHA - Victorian Branch | PR351094 [2018] ROCD 113 | scheduled election (Branch offices, Councillors) | 024NVIC |
E2018/127 | Elections | 2018 | AHA - Queensland Branch | PR351095 [2018] ROCD 114 | scheduled election (Zone representatives) | 024NQLD |
E2018/148 | Elections | 2018 | AHA - New South Wales Branch | PR351088 [2018] ROCD 107 | casual vacancy election | 024NNSW |
E2018/191 | Elections | 2018 | AHA - Central Office | PR351156 [2018] ROCD 170 | scheduled election (National officers) | 024N |
E2018/192 | Elections | 2018 | AHA - Central Office | PR351157 [2018] ROCD 171 | scheduled election (National Accommodation Hotels Division officers) | 024N |
E2018/205 | Elections | 2018 | AHA - Tasmanian Branch | PR351190 [2018] ROCD 189 | scheduled election (Branch offices, Division representative) | 024NTAS |
E2018/229 | Elections | 2018 | AHA - South Australian Branch | PR351220 [2018] ROCD 209 | scheduled election (Branch offices, Division representative) | 024NSA |
E2018/24 | Elections | 2018 | AHA - Queensland Branch | PR351021 [2018] ROCD 56 | scheduled election (Branch Division offices) | 024NQLD |