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Find annual returns, elections, disclosure statements and financial reports logged by this organisation.
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Documents | Type | Date | Entity | Print & MNC | Comments | Code |
FR2018/347 | Financial reports | 2018 | -central office- | Financial year ending 31 December 2018 | 145N | |
ORP2018/1783 | Disclosure statement | 2018 | -central office- | 145N | ||
AR2017/83 | Annual returns | 2017 | -central office- | 145N | ||
E2016/296 | Elections | 2017 | -central office- | [2017] FWCD 1125 PR577180 | scheduled election | 145N |
FR2017/344 | Financial reports | 2017 | -central office- | Financial year ending 31 December 2017 | 145N | |
AR2016/122 | Annual returns | 2016 | -central office- | 145N | ||
E2016/77 | Elections | 2016 | -central office- | [2016] FWCD 1080 PR577180 | scheduled election | 145N |
FR2016/400 | Financial reports | 2016 | -central office- | Financial year ending 31 December 2016 | 145N | |
AR2015/131 | Annual returns | 2015 | -central office- | 145N | ||
E2015/137 | Elections | 2015 | -central office- | [2015] FWCD 2487 PR562964 | scheduled election | 145N |
FR2015/418 | Financial reports | 2015 | -central office- | Financial year ending 31 December 2015 | 145N | |
AR2014/218 | Annual returns | 2014 | -central office- | 145N | ||
E2014/95 | Elections | 2014 | -central office- | [2014] FWCD 1972 PR548936 | scheduled election | 145N |
FR2014/449 | Financial reports | 2014 | -central office- | Financial year ending 31 December 2014 | 145N | |
AR2013/308 | Annual returns | 2013 | -central office- | 145N | ||
E2013/162 | Elections | 2013 | -central office- | [2013] FWCD 2126 PR535491 | scheduled election | 145N |
FR2013/501 | Financial reports | 2013 | -central office- | Financial year ending 31 December 2013 | 145N | |
AR2012/408 | Annual returns | 2012 | -central office- | 145N | ||
E2012/240 | Elections | 2012 | -central office- | [2012] FWAD 2047 PR521049 | scheduled election | 145N |
FR2012/609 | Financial reports | 2012 | -central office- | Financial year ending 31 December 2012 | 145N | |
AR2011/2715 | Annual returns | 2011 | -central office- | 145N | ||
E2011/2544 | Elections | 2011 | -central office- | [2011] FWAD 1570 PR507511 | scheduled election | 145N |
E2011/2673 | Elections | 2011 | -central office- | [2011] FWAD 7305 PR516036 | casual vacancy election | 145N |
FR2011/2921 | Financial reports | 2011 | -central office- | Financial year ending 31 December 2011 | 145N | |
E2010/2554 | Elections | 2010 | -central office- | [2010] FWAD 2672 PR995734 | scheduled election | 145N |