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Find annual returns, elections, disclosure statements and financial reports logged by this organisation.
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Documents | Type | Date | Entity | Print & MNC | Comments | Code |
ORP2021/332 | Disclosure statement | 2021 | PFA - New South Wales Police Branch | 200VNSWP | ||
ORP2021/396 | Disclosure statement | 2021 | PFA - Queensland Police Branch | 200VQPB | ||
ORP2021/54 | Disclosure statement | 2021 | PFA - Central Office | 200V | ||
ORP2021/55 | Disclosure statement | 2021 | PFA - Australian Federal Police Association Branch | 200VAFPB | ||
AR2020/5 | Annual returns | 2020 | -central office- | 200V | ||
E2020/141 | Elections | 2020 | South Australia Police Branch | PR351716 & [2020] ROCD 132 | Scheduled election - Delegates | 200VSAPB |
E2020/15 | Elections | 2020 | Queensland Police Branch | PR351591 & [2020] ROCD 42 | scheduled election Branch Secretary | 200VQPB |
E2020/153 | Elections | 2020 | New South Wales Police Branch | PR351701 & [2020] ROCD 120 | casual vacancy | 200VNSWP |
E2020/16 | Elections | 2020 | Queensland Police Branch | PR351588 & [2020] ROCD 39 | insufficient nominations and casual vacancy | 200VQPB |
E2020/166 | Elections | 2020 | PFA - Queensland Police Branch | PR351741 [2020] ROCD 151 | Scheduled Election | 200VQPB |
E2020/173 | Elections | 2020 | Tasmania Police Branch | PR351732 [2020] ROCD 146 | Casual Vacancy Election | 200VTPB |
E2020/182 | Elections | 2020 | PFA - Victoria Police Branch | Print Id 351743 MNC [2020] ROCD 153 | scheduled election | 200VVPB |
E2020/183 | Elections | 2020 | Australian Federal Police Association Branch | PR351755 [2020] ROCD 158 | Insufficient Nominations Election | 200VAFPB |
E2020/187 | Elections | 2020 | Australian Federal Police Association Branch | Print Id 351772 MNC 2020 ROCD 166 | Scheduuled election | 200VAFPB |
E2020/195 | Elections | 2020 | South Australia Police Branch | PR351774 & [2020] ROCD 168 | Scheduled election | 200VSAPB |
E2020/229 | Elections | 2020 | Tasmania Police Branch | PR 351816 [2021] ROCD 4 | Casual vacancy and insufficient nominations | 200VTPB |
E2020/32 | Elections | 2020 | PFA - Victoria Police Branch | PR351611 & [2020] ROCD 54 | scheduled election | 200VVPB |
E2020/47 | Elections | 2020 | South Australia Police Branch | PR351603 and PR351784 [2020] ROCD 49 | Casual vacancy election | 200VSAPB |
FR2020/168 | Financial reports | 2020 | Victoria Police Branch | PR351739 | Financial year ending 30 June 2020 | 200VVPB |
FR2020/169 | Financial reports | 2020 | Tasmania Police Branch | PR351752 | Financial year ending 30 June 2020 | 200VTPB |
FR2020/170 | Financial reports | 2020 | South Australia Police Branch | PR351693 | Financial year ending 30 June 2020 | 200VSAPB |
FR2020/214 | Financial reports | 2020 | Western Australia Police Branch | PR351793 | Financial year ending 30 June 2020 | 200VWAPB |
FR2020/23 | Financial reports | 2020 | Northern Territory Police Branch | PR351645 | Financial year ending 30 April 2020 | 200VNTPB |
FR2020/281 | Financial reports | 2020 | PFA - New South Wales Police Branch | PR351974 | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 200VNSWP |
FR2020/344 | Financial reports | 2020 | PFA - Queensland Police Branch | PR351991 | Financial year ending 31 December 2020 | 200VQPB |