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Documents Type Date Entity Print & MNC Comments Code
E2015/108 Elections 2015 New South Wales Branch 284VNSW
E2015/111 Elections 2015 New South Wales Branch 284VNSW
E2015/119 Elections 2015 New South Wales Branch 284VNSW
E2015/145 Elections 2015 -central office- 284V
E2015/154 Elections 2015 South Australian Branch 284VSA
E2015/171 Elections 2015 Tasmanian Branch 284VTAS
E2015/183 Elections 2015 New South Wales Teachers Federation (NSWTF) Branch 284VNSW
E2015/187 Elections 2015 Northern Territory Branch 284VNT
E2015/188 Elections 2015 New South Wales Teachers Federation (NSWTF) Branch 284VNSW
E2015/190 Elections 2015 New South Wales Teachers Federation (NSWTF) Branch 284VNSW
E2015/218 Elections 2015 New South Wales Branch Decision 1 October 2015 284VNSW
E2015/220 Elections 2015 Queensland Branch Queensland Branch: scheduled biennial election of 34 Branch Councillors 284VQLD
E2015/226 Elections 2015 ACT Branch Election decision - casual vacancy and insufficient nominations 284VACT
E2015/236 Elections 2015 Victorian Branch 284VVIC
E2015/237 Elections 2015 Victorian Branch 284VVIC
E2015/238 Elections 2015 -central office- 284V
E2015/259 Elections 2015 Victorian Branch 284VVIC
E2015/262 Elections 2015 -central office- 284V
E2015/265 Elections 2015 Northern Territory Branch 284VNT
E2015/271 Elections 2015 South Australian Branch 284VSA
E2015/280 Elections 2015 South Australian Branch 284VSA
E2015/295 Elections 2015 ACT Branch Decision 15 December 2015 284VACT
E2015/53 Elections 2015 New South Wales Branch 284VNSW
E2015/54 Elections 2015 New South Wales Branch 284VNSW
E2015/80 Elections 2015 ACT Branch 284VACT