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Find annual returns, elections, disclosure statements and financial reports logged by this organisation.
The files published on this page only contain a few important documents from each matter, and some documents are redacted before being published. Some files are being audited and republished with redactions and/or fewer documents to comply with our policies and privacy requirements.
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Documents | Type | Date | Entity | Print & MNC | Comments | Code |
E2015/140 | Elections | 2015 | Australian Federal Police Association Branch | 200VAFPB | ||
E2015/150 | Elections | 2015 | Queensland Police Branch | 200VQPB | ||
E2015/189 | Elections | 2015 | Western Australia Police Branch | 200VWAPB | ||
E2015/211 | Elections | 2015 | New South Wales Police Branch | 200VNSWP | ||
E2015/223 | Elections | 2015 | -central office- | 200V | ||
E2015/225 | Elections | 2015 | Victoria Police Branch | Election decision 21 September 2015 | 200VVPB | |
E2015/231 | Elections | 2015 | Queensland Police Branch | 200VQPB | ||
E2015/242 | Elections | 2015 | Queensland Police Branch | 200VQPB | ||
E2015/263 | Elections | 2015 | Tasmania Police Branch | 200VTPB | ||
E2015/276 | Elections | 2015 | Tasmania Police Branch | Election Decision | 200VTPB | |
E2015/279 | Elections | 2015 | Queensland Police Branch | Decision 10 December 2015 | 200VQPB | |
E2015/296 | Elections | 2015 | Australian Federal Police Association Branch | Decision 16 December 2015 | 200VAFPB | |
E2015/297 | Elections | 2015 | New South Wales Police Branch | Decision 15 December 2015 | 200VNSWP | |
E2015/301 | Elections | 2015 | Queensland Police Branch | Decision 17 December 2015 | 200VQPB | |
E2015/74 | Elections | 2015 | Northern Territory Police Branch | 200VNTPB | ||
FR2015/351 | Financial reports | 2015 | Western Australia Police Branch | Certificate - RO Act s.271A:No financial affairs for the 3 months ending 30 June 2015 | 200VWAPB | |
FR2015/363 | Financial reports | 2015 | New South Wales Police Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2015 | 200VNSWP | |
FR2015/431 | Financial reports | 2015 | Queensland Police Branch | Financial year ending 31 December 2015 | 200VQPB | |
FR2015/66 | Financial reports | 2015 | Western Australia Police Branch | Certificate - RO Act s.271A: No financial affairs for the year ending 31 March 2015 | 200VWAPB | |
FR2015/77 | Financial reports | 2015 | Victoria Police Branch | Certificate - RO Act s.271A:No financial affairs 2015 | 200VVPB | |
FR2015/78 | Financial reports | 2015 | Tasmania Police Branch | Certificate - RO Act s.271A:No financial affairs 2015 | 200VTPB | |
FR2015/79 | Financial reports | 2015 | South Australia Police Branch | Certificate - RO Act s.271A:No financial affairs 2015 | 200VSAPB | |
FR2015/80 | Financial reports | 2015 | -central office- | Financial year ending 30 June 2015 | 200V | |
FR2015/81 | Financial reports | 2015 | Australian Federal Police Association Branch | Financial year ending 30 June 2015 | 200VAFPB | |
AR2014/53 | Annual returns | 2014 | -central office- | 200V |