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Documents | Type | Date | Entity | Print & MNC | Comments | Code |
ORP2020/381 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | CEPU - Electrical, Energy and Services Division | 128VELE | ||
ORP2020/382 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | CEPU - Electrical, Energy and Services Division - South Australian Branch | 128VSA | ||
ORP2020/383 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | CEPU - Electrical, Energy and Services Division - Victorian Branch | 128VVIC | ||
ORP2020/384 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | CEPU - Electrical, Energy and Services Division - Western Australian Branch | 128VWA | ||
ORP2020/385 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | CEPU - Electrical, Energy and Services Division - New South Wales Branch | 128VNSW | ||
ORP2020/405 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | CEPU - Electrical, Energy and Services Division - Tasmanian Branch | 128VETAS | ||
ORP2020/9 | Disclosure statement | 2020 | Communications Division - New South Wales Telecommunications and Services Branch | 128VCTSN | ||
AR2019/55 | Annual returns | 2019 | -central office- | 128V | ||
E2018/259 | Elections | 2019 | Plumbing Division Queensland Divisional Branch | PR351283 [2019] ROCD 32 | Scheduled election - Divisional Branch officers and non-office position | 128VPQLD |
E2018/260 | Elections | 2019 | Plumbing Division Victorian Divisional Branch | PR351316 [2019] ROCD 52 | Scheduled election - Divisional Branch officers and non-office positions | 128VPVIC |
E2018/264 | Elections | 2019 | Plumbing Division Western Australian Divisional Branch | PR351277 [2019] ROCD 28 | Scheduled Branch Election | 128VPWAB |
E2018/281 | Elections | 2019 | Communications Division | PR351310 [2019] ROCD 47 | Scheduled Election - Quadrennial Divisional & Branch Elections | 128VCOM |
E2019/150 | Elections | 2019 | -central office- | PR351472 [2019] ROCD 164 | Scheduled Election - National Executive Officers & National Executive Members | 128V |
E2019/164 | Elections | 2019 | Communications Division | PR351479 [2019] ROCD 169 | Casual Vacancy WA & Victorian Branch Committee of Management Member | 128VCOM |
E2019/168 | Elections | 2019 | Communications Division - Victorian Telecommunications and Services Branch | PR351498 [2019] ROCD 178 | Amending Decision - Branch Committee Management Member to be elected via election E2019/164 | 128VCTSV |
E2019/204 | Elections | 2019 | Communications Division - Victorian Telecommunications and Services Branch | PR351532 [2019] ROCD 207 | Casual vacancy | 128VCTSV |
E2019/61 | Elections | 2019 | Electrical, Energy and Services Division - Queensland Divisional Branch | PR351357 [2019] ROC 59 | Scheduled election - Divisional Exec officers and members | 128VQLD |
E2019/62 | Elections | 2019 | Electrical, Energy and Services Division | PR351373 [2019] ROCD 98 | Scheduled election - Divisional Exec officers and members | 128VELE |
E2019/63 | Elections | 2019 | Electrical, Energy and Services Division - South Australian Divisional Branch | PR351376 [2019] ROCD 101 | Scheduled election - Divisional Exec officers | 128VSA |
E2019/64 | Elections | 2019 | Electrical, Energy and Services Division - Victorian Divisional Branch | PR351377 [2019] ROCD 102 | Scheduled election - Divisional Exec officers | 128VVIC |
E2019/65 | Elections | 2019 | Electrical, Energy and Services Division - Western Australian Divisional Branch | PR351397 [2019] ROCD 82 | Scheduled election - Divisional Branch Offices | 128VWA |
E2019/66 | Elections | 2019 | Electrical, Energy and Services Division - New South Wales Divisional Branch | PR351380 [2019] ROCD 104 | Scheduled election - Divisional Council, Branch offices, State Councillors, Branch Delegates and non-office positions | 128VNSW |
E2019/70 | Elections | 2019 | Electrical, Energy and Services Division - Tasmanian Divisional Branch | PR351383 [2019] ROCD 107 | Divisional Branch offices, Executive members, Delegates, State Councillors and non-office Branch Conf Delegates - scheduled election | 128VETAS |
E2019/81 | Elections | 2019 | Plumbing Division | PR 351369 [2019] ROCD 94 | Divisional offices scheduled election | 128VPLU |
FR2019/12 | Financial reports | 2019 | Communications Division - New South Wales Telecommunications and Services Branch | Financial year ending 31 March 2019 | 128VCTSN |